Changing Frocks, Changing Seasons: I Am Summer, Hear Me Roar.

So long, summer...

I felt it this morning, in the whiff of crisp air that snatched my unruly long hair, whipping it back from my face.  Autumn.  Fall.  Call it what you will.  It's almost here, the one season I'm loathe to welcome this year and yet when it arrives, I'll wrap my arms around it and hold it tight. 

These changing days, in between seasons, when you're not quite here, or there.  My mind seems wrapped in a fog, unable to make simple decisions, -dress, tights, heels, boots?  No, not boots, not quite yet.  Late summer lingers through windows, covering floor boards and dusty bookshelves in splinters of dappled sunshine.  Yes, dappled, bite me.  I want to lock it all up and throw away the key.

Last week, I stormed down city streets, wedges firmly strapped on, floral-printed frock flying in the breeze.  Determined strides.  I came face to face with another lady, dark-shaded suit, thick tights and boots.  She was Winter; I was Summer.  From across the road, we glared.  Eyes widened, nostrils flared. Taking in each other's attire.  Really? I mean, REALLY?  Boots? I shuddered.  Wedges, she tutted.  Silently, we passed on the crossing, careful not to brush.  I-wish-you-were-dead eyes, staring dead ahead.  It was a moment in time, an unspoken duel.  Subsided.

And yes, I know.  Soon, we bid adieu to our beautiful summer, but for now lets enjoy the last of our lazy afternoon strolls and those oh-so-blissful ice cream kisses.  Just a few more days, yes?  Yes.  Say yes.  Even if you're thinking, no.  Yes?  Yes.


Meredith said…
Ha, come to Houston. It's in the eighties here for another month, at least. But I love that vision of you and the woman dressed as Winter exchanging death glares. :)
Danette said…
You don't have to convince me. I am dreading winter this year for many reasons but not least that my car's heater is out and I have to repair it or... die a horrible death, frozen to my steering wheel. Okay maybe I won't die from the cold in my car- I hope- but I might crash into someone because I am too cold to steer properly.

There, have a brought enough doom and gloom into your day? ;) I love summer and I always wish it would never end. Even when we've had the hottest summer on record. I know what you mean by the work thing... I am barely able to blog and I am actually thinking that after October I am really going to cut back on my blogging time. I barely have time to do any writing the way it is and blogging only steals from that time. Cheers!
Talei said…
I especially love the 'throw-down' looks when I come across a fashion diva in a suit. Hope you are well, - and enjoying all those lovely temps in Houston! Dammit. x
Talei said…
Images of you frozen to death, hands stuck to steering wheel. Red robin pecking on windscreen. What's that? Doom and gloom? You made me laugh.

I've cut back a lot on my blogging hours this year. A necessary move, parallel universe and yes, writing. My MS needs my undivided attention. Hope you are well my friend! x
Bish Denham said…
What a great little vignette! I could just see it, the tight pursed lips against the flying hair.
Talei said…
Merci beaucoup, Bish! So glad you enjoyed! x
Johanna Garth said…
This post hit home. I just banished all my pretty sundresses to the back of the closet and suddenly its 90 again, but not a real 90 because it gets chilly at night. So hard to get dressed in the in between season.
Michael Di Gesu said…
I have this vision in my head of a raven-haired beauty strolling down the avenue as an unexpected breeze playfully lifts the delicate fabric of a red-belted sun dress.

A slight chill in the air adds a natural blush to her flawless complexion as her dark eyes shine with excitement. There's mysterious spring in her step. She knows something ... but what?

Filtered sunlight dapples the path, a subtle reminder that summer has decided to stay for at least another day.

Don't worry sweets .... Summer will hang on just a bit longer .... JUST FOR YOU!
dolorah said…
Well, I'm enjoying the cooler weather. Fall is one of my favorite seasons.

And I wear jeans no matter what the season; but i trade my sneakers for sandles :)

Lovely story; quite vivid and refreshing :)

notesfromnadir said…
Oh it's so sad when summer just...vanishes!
Talei said…
*High fives* Ditto! We had some breezy interludes and on the last weekend of the Paralympics - absolute scorcher! x
Talei said…
*Bats eyelashes* Your raven-haired beauty is quite the picture of elegance in her red-belted sundress! I'm picturing BIG AUDREY glasses and a Lady Dior handbag to complete her ensemble.

More dappled sunshine, I say! Thanks lovely x
Talei said…
Fall is lovely, I do like it for it's snuggling possibilities. And never underestimate the power of a good pair of jeans!

Very pleased you enjoyed the post! x
Talei said…
'its indeed, always good to enjoy the last warm days! And I guess, we could always holiday somewhere warm in between seasons! x
Carol Riggs said…
Ha, the war of the weathers. Yes, I love the warmth; I think spring is my fave time of year, because summer gets too hot for me and I just WILT. Enjoy your remnants of summer as it transitions into fall!
Pat Tillett said…
That was really good and very funny! No such battles here. Seriously, while at home, I think I've worn long pants only 3 or 4 times in the past year. Probably longer than that since I've worn a jacket. Of course, we're on the road quite a bit, so almost all of my heavier clothes are kept in our RV.
Talei said…
Thanks Carol. Wilting in style is permitted, in my books! ;-)
Talei said…
Haha! You of the warmer climes. So very lucky. *deep sigh*

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