Tom Hardy, Fluffy Rabbits, and an Awkward Silence

It's early morning, the tiniest shards of sunlight are peeking through my bedroom window and I'm burrowing under bedcovers, trying to recall that sassy dream about Tom Hardy.  You know, the one where he's half-dressed in his fireman kit, carrying a kitten in one hand; a martini in the other?  Ah, yes, there it is...  I drift off into fireman paradise for a while longer until I feel the presence of someone else, lurking near the doorway.

From the depths of darkness, a small shadowy figure appears muttering something about rabbits, and I wonder if my subconscious has crossed over into Donny Darko land.  Suddenly, the shadow pounces, landing heavily on my bed, - only it's not a giant blue rabbit,  it's a small tiger.  Scribe Junior, and he has a book in hand, his face serious.  He's on a mission.

Scribe Junior:  Mummy, what's this book about?
Me:  Huh?
SJ:  *shoves book at my pillow*  This BOOK!
Me:  Ouch.  That hurt.
SJ:   I want you to tell me about this book.
Me: Wha-aat?  Eh... no, no, still sleeping... *mutters to self, where's Tom?* 
SJ:  *shakes me, does a couple more tiger rolls around the bed*  MUMMMMEEEE
Me: C, it's waaa-aaaay...too early.  I'm still sleeping... come back later.
SJ:  But Mummy, why is this rabbit doing this?  *points to picture of rabbit in toaster*
Me: Oh.. OH.  *grabs book*  Nothing... he's just playing a joke.
SJ:  No, he's not.
Me:  Yes, yes, he is.  It's just pretend.
SJ:  But what is this book about?
Me:  Um, er... it's about....
SJ:  It's about fluffy rabbits who don't want to live anymore.
Me:  *startled look, sits upright*  WHO told you that?
SJ: No one, I just read it.  And it says so, -there.  *points to cover*
Me:  *awkward silence*  Oh! I forgot, you can read now...  
SJ:  *smiles proudly* 
Me:  Shall we get breakfast now?

Photo via yours truly


Johanna Garth said…
Isn't it awkward when they actually start reading the books. I told my daughter "dogging" was not an actual word and to please stop using it. Then she found it in the Hunger Games and proved me wrong!
Meredith said…
Haha, so cute! I bet you're going to be getting a lot of fun questions from now on from Scribe Junior. :) Good luck!
Talei said…
Honestly, it's funny, I try to keep a straight face when answering these serious questions. And dogging? Hilarious! Well, I look forward to that question. SJ has given me his own view of how Mummies and Daddies make a family, it was super sweet, might have to blog that one too. And where do these little people get off proving us wrong? x
Talei said…
Oh yes! Thanks! He's a mini Yoda, I've had all the philosophical life vs death and the after life questions. Such a wise old soul, never ceases to amaze me. ;) x
Very cute! My four year old once came up to me and announced he had a really, really important question. He looked so serious I stopped to answer him. The big life-and-death question? Where do newts go in the winter!
Is that a real book?
Haha...I am the queen of awkward silence!
Danette said…
Too cute! I remember those days when the kids started reading and they would read the signs as we passed them. Kinda shocking to hear that stuff come out of your little one's mouth! Hee hee...

Give Scribe Junior a hug and tell him to keep reading! Cheers dearest! xoxxo
Talei said…
Ah, gorgeous. They are a constant source of amusement at this age, methinks. Always challenging us too.
Talei said…
Hi Karen, yes it is. Hilarious too. x
Talei said…
Ha! I love the silences, you can hear his little mind ticking over... processing, questioning what you've told him. ;-)
Talei said…
Oh yes, car rides are funny. There's constant babble from the backseat and he's just reading the signs -everywhere. I'm no longer needed for conversation really.

Shall give him a hug! He's big on reading, has just re-read Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I almost fell over. xoxo
Jillian said…
Fun post! I love little inquiring minds. Sorry about the Tom Hardy-interruptus
Talei said…
Haha! Oh, indeed, tis a terrible thing being ripped from the clutches of Tom Hardy in a fireman suit! We can only dream, right? x

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