Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost

Oh yes, indeed
London train journeys are a constant source of amusement, a 'street' theatre in which you, unwittingly play a part each day.  You never know who's watching who and the characters change daily.  Personally, I always mind my own business, ahem, unless of course, my attention is drawn to fabulous footwear,  or some hipsters's choice of literature, and don't get me started on the juicy conversational 'titbits' that inadvertently fly by my delicate ears.  Like I said, entertaining.  Priceless too.

Last week, I stood on the platform at Green Park station, fully armed with de rigueur iPod and headphones, jostling with the usual band of faceless travellers, waiting for that goddamn train to arrive and lo,  - dead ahead, plastered on the tiled wall, I spotted the above poster, which made me smile.  Sometimes, you really should 'look' around you.  And, seeing as I am, unequivocally, JRR Tolkien's Number One Fan, this quote resonates through every minute fibre of my being.  Yes, despite their hairy feet and funny eating habits, I have a soft spot for the Hobbits.  Okay, maybe it's Lord Aragorn, jeepers.  Nonetheless, a beautiful quote.

And if you are in the city, as said poster tells us, the British Library's 'Writing Britain Wastelands to Wonderlands' exhibition is currently running from now until September.  It explores how Britain's landscapes have inspired many of the country's literary works.  Sounds wonderful, I just might, you know, wander over...

Photo courtesy via yours truly


Johanna Garth said…
That does sound fabulous. I wish we were going to be in London this summer to see it. Alas, our travel plans are focused on NYC and fulfilling all the familial obligations that come when you live on the opposite coast!
Pat Tillett said…
Hi Talei! Long time...
It sounds like every train trip is an adventure. Someday, I hope to go there. I'm right there with on Tolkien! Hope you are doing well!
Meredith said…
If you do go to the British Library, let us know how the exhibit is! I have to live vicariously through you, and that sounds fascinating!
Talei said…
Ah, NYC sounds fab. My fav city in the US. Would love to pop over there for a weekend if at all possible. This summer in London will be a little crazy with the Olympics! ;-)
Talei said…
Hello Pat! Definitely been a wee while. Hope you are well too, my friend. Tolkien sums things up nicely, doesn't he? ;-))
Talei said…
Oh, will do! It's in the diary. One the best things about London, is having all these great places and exhibitions just on your doorstep. Very lucky, indeed. ;-)
Leslie said…
That is a beautiful poster and quote! So glad I found your blog and the fact that you are a writer in London is even cooler!
Talei said…
Hello Leslie, welcome! So glad you enjoyed the quote. It's a keeper! And, thank you for stopping by, l look forward to checking out your blog too! ;-)
Carol Kilgore said…
Since I just returned from vacation, I think London is out this summer. Sigh.
Jemi Fraser said…
THat's a fabulous quote - it always makes me smile! :) What a great choice for their advertising campaign!
Danette said…
All that glitters is not gold.

That looks fab! Make sure and take tons of pics AND we expect a FULL report! xoxox
Talei said…
Ah, lucky you! I need a vacation! *deep longing sigh* ;-))
Talei said…
* high fives* A favourite, favourite quote of mine. Always makes me smile too! AND amazingly, the great design company 'cog design' who created this poster actually tweeted me today. Feeling very special. ;-))
Talei said…
I do like a little bling... Shall DO my upmost to report back! xxx
Michael Di Gesu said…

I have SO missed you! I finally have a breath to bop around the blogosphere. I have been SOOOO busy creating a new space for a major client in Central Florida.

Your designer eye will LOVE the end results. I hope to post before and afters at my blog very soon; sometime in June. I will let you know.

I, too, LOVE Tolkien and the hobbit creatures. What a wonderful poster to spy and what a fun exhibit ...

Lord, at times like these I wish I could just hop on a plane and visit! I have so many good blogger friends in London, and I am DYING to visit. It's been years since my last time there.

I had hoped this summer, but it looks more like next year. Something definitely to look forward to for 2013...

I hope all is well in your perfect word.


A said…
Such a great quote Talei, so glad you posted it, thanks :-)
Talei said…

Missed you too! And you've been busy creating, very exciting! Can't wait to see the before and after shots, I think those are my favourite type of pics, especially with design and interiors.

Happy Summer to you! You should definitely 'pop'over to London, so many blogger buddies, we could all meet up! This city is preparing for the Olympics right now, it's a little insane but we have sunshine so everyone's smiling!! ;-))

Talei said…
Thanks, darling!! It's a keeper for sure! xo
Nas said…
Hi Talei,

You have to share the British Museum exhibits photo with us. You do know that I love to visit through pictures as actually visiting London is out....
Talei said…
I certainly will, my dear! It's in the diary for May! xo
Carol Riggs said…
LOL, yes, is the draw hobbits or Aragorn? Fun to read about your interesting journeys on the train. :) What a great place to people-watch!
Talli Roland said…
Love the BM!

And train journeys . . . well, those are another story.
Talei said…
Um, it's possibly, 99.9% the latter? Although the hobbits are amusing!
Talei said…
They are indeed, my dear! x

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