Gone Travelling

       Shoes, gowns, corsets...packed!

The Lady Doth Scribe will be travelling for a few weeks holiday 'down under' to see family and friends. Leaving a lovely summer for a very chilly winter...madness isn't it?  I will however be writing and blogging as much as possible.  Dare I say, travel logging?  My tweets shall be upside down for the duration of the trip.

Travel Checklist: 
Pink netbook at the ready
SLR baby...my camera 
Camera lens...did we pack the extra long lens? Right okay
Evening dresses at least a dozen; one should never get caught short 
Ridiculous heels
Swimming togs and floral bathers cap
Leopard print kaftans
Big floppy sun hat
Big pantaloons
More frivolous heels
Books, books, books!
iPad... oh wait I don't have one of those yet...Hello Christmas list?
Activity bag for small child
Activity bag for full grown adult male
Gucci play bag for moir
Eye mask for lady
Pink velour juicy couture tracksuit for flight...Oh wait, that's someone else's bag.
Presents for over-bearing Grandmamas' (only joking dears)
iPhone...iPod...all my iThings
Small dog... hang on; the kennels should've picked him up ages ago.
Er, Passport? Yes, tick that box.

Right my dears, into the breach we go...entering the long queues at Heathrow at my own peril.  Now where is that Porter? ...what do you mean we don't have porters...oh dear, smelling salts! Over here please.  What kind of holiday is this?

Photos credit: Ian Britton Free Photo.com

Happy Summer Holidays All!  


Unknown said…
LOL I almost squealed when I say iPad until I saw what was directly after it... you are good... what a sneaky little list... send that one to mom and see if she bites! LOL

Happy Traveling!
Pat Tillett said…
Enjoy your travels!
notesfromnadir said…
Hope you have a very Happy Holiday! You seem to be well prepared. Next time you'll travel w/ the iPad & your luggage will weigh a lot less, but for now, enjoy reading paperback or hardback books!
Talei said…
Hi Jen,

Thanks so much. Luckily Grandmama on my side still uses pen and paper, and is completely oblivous to the internet. Hehe. The iPad - I do want one but am resisting temptation until the 2nd release - though with Xmas around the corner - resistance is futile!! ;)))

Have a great weekend! ;)
Talei said…
Hi Pat,

Thanks very much! Hope you're having a good summer too! :)
Talei said…
Hi Lisa!

Thank you! ;) An iPad would be lovely, I have packed two books - decided to buy more as I travel. Have a lovely summer!

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