Travel Log: Sydney through a Jetlag Haze

I have been away from London for a total of four sunsets, several timezones, an entire hemisphere, and I still cannot shake the old city's dust from my bones.  Day four of my travels and I awoke...still a dear, draw those curtains and leave the tea tray at the door.

The good news with jetlag is that, if your brain feels so inclined to wake you in the middle of the night - you can reach for that book you packed! Yes, you were right to pack that.  Better still, you can write!  In fact every morning, my routine has been coffee, check the weather, work on my WIP, take a break and grab some leisurely family time. In the evenings - I write some more, and have started a 'Frequent Writer Programme' - much like the 'Frequent Flyers' however instead of air miles, I reward my writing goals with cheese, wine, champagne, cupcakes...I really like the self-imposed holiday writing treats!  And I only do it when I hit my daily word count, which has been every day so far.  Go Team WIP!

Here's a few snaps from the jetlagged haze over this weekend, on one little beach there was a plethora of activity, brave swimmers, kayakers, sailboats, even a group of stealth divers...who suddenly appeared out of the sea, like slinky black creatures of the deep.  I was a little stunned by their slinky coats.  Or was that just the haze I've been walking around in these past few days?

The perfect beach for an early morning stroll

My breakfast view seen through caffeinated eyes

Lovely homemade goodies and family gatherings

Kayakers paddle seamlessly across the bay

Old pool at Sydney beaches,
 full length bathers and floral caps at the ready?

Divers suddenly emerge from the sea

 Hanging out with family

Holiday treats for WIP daily word count!
Photos courtesy yours truly.
Snaps taken at a small local beach in Sydney, whilst I love Bondi, Manly and Palm beaches - its the smaller coves that are my favourite. 


Karen Roderick said…
That's divine. The ocean, cupcakes, cheese, wine, writing, oh! Heavenly! xx
Talei said…
Hey K, I'm enjoying the leisurely pace of the holiday and being able to write with treats at the end - bliss! ;)
Christina Lee said…
Jetlag or not those pictures are so lovely!! ;--)
Vicki Rocho said…
Sorry about the jet lag, but love those pictures. Setting up a virtual tent/table right there on the beach and I'm going to lounge the day away. Read, write, snooze (repeat).
Jayne said…
What lovely pictures! I love the rewards for the word count - especially that last picture. Have a lovely holiday, and go team WIP!
Talli Roland said…

I'll have to pick your brain for tips on Sydney for my 24 Hours Sydney guide book which I'm working on now!

Enjoy the respite!
Unknown said…
Oh my gosh I'm just in heaven from all the pictures, you must have been in a coma after you returned home! Glad to have you back!!!

Wow Talli you are moving on those 24 hour books! I'll have to snag one here soon!!!

Psst! I have a blog fest that you might be interested in! It's my first one and I'd love to learn more about your character *wink* and this would be a wonderful opportunity!
Talei said…
Hey Christina, thanks! The outlook from the haze has been quite lovely.
Talei said…
Hi Vicki,

Thats a great idea, virtual tent/table - we could hold a writing camp/tea party at the waterside? (On a loop of course!) Thanks for visiting! ;)
Talei said…
Hello Jayne!

Team WIP thanks you for the lovely cheer!;) We are a huge fan of treats for writing!! Thanks so much for stopping by. Please help yourself to a glass of bubbly and some lovely Australian cheese, which btw is divine.
Talei said…
Hi Talli!

A 24 hour Sydney guide is a great idea, would love to help out with the brain picking, though a little pickled now! ;))

Ah holiday week one is going well, although its winter here, still managed to rock the sundress yesterday. I do hope London summer stays warm for you. Thanks so much for stopping by! ;)
Talei said…
Hi Jen,

How are you lovely? Thanks so much for stopping by, the dear lady is very pleased you enjoyed the pictures. ;) I'm a complete camera addict.

I have two more weeks left away, still travelling downunder, the jetlag haze has lifted overnight thank goodness!

Will definitely pop along now and check out your blogfest, very excited for you! ;)))
Mya said…
Wondering, "If I were to award myself with wine, cheese and a small loaf of bread, could I become a writer?" This idea should be added to career manuels.
I have not seen/heard of the Old Pool at Sydney. Looks interesting. Will have to look it up. I am imagining: tide in, pool's full.
notesfromnadir said…
Welcome back, Talei! :)
Great pictures! I think you have a wonderful idea & maybe can do a contest or something for the Frequent Writer Programme.
It was great that you took a vacation [holiday] & were able to read & write when you felt like it.
Hope you get your rest & back to your WIP!
Talei said…
Hi Mya,

Welcome ;) Sydney is worth a visit, the beaches and their pools are great fun. Not every beach has one but most the big ones like Bondi, Manly, Palm Beach, Cronulla do - very good, when the surfs rough - you can still swim in the pool. Thanks so much for the follow.;))
Talei said…
Hi Lisa,

Hope you are well dearie ;) I am actually on week two of travels, one more to go after this. Its my main holiday this year. Maybe I can do a Frequent Writer programme over a holiday, that would be a good contest, I will have a think on this. And I really hope to have this WIP in the bag by the time I reach the english shores again!! ;)

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