Storyteller in my life
" Nose in a book, head in the clouds"
I got goose bumps last week reading about daydreaming and storytelling. Of course it lead me to some serious pondering about writing and when was the last time that I truly had unfettered thoughts and really let my imagination go wild? It seems like centuries ago...the dear lady pokes the feather duster at the cobwebs. Daydreaming takes me back to dusty sunlit classrooms where I devoted entire years to gazing out of the windows, filtering out the droning lessons, praying that the teacher would not ask me a random question, and just wishing beyond anything that I were someplace else. I recall one teacher's threats - 'If you don't pay attention, I will send you outside to watch the grass grow'. Oh really, that's punishment? Pick me!!
Why do so many of us in adulthood, lose that ability to dream of worlds far from our own reality? Is it so hard to step back to a time where no one judged your thoughts, your dreams, and your stories.
Why do so many of us in adulthood, lose that ability to dream of worlds far from our own reality? Is it so hard to step back to a time where no one judged your thoughts, your dreams, and your stories.
I was raised on a healthy dose of superstitions, ghost stories and a cast of local legends that would make your head-spin. My mother is the best storyteller I know. There were countless nights my sisters and I would beg a story from our mother - 'tell us that really scary one again please!' If she were away, my sisters and I would stay up late, gobbling midnight feasts, trying to out-scare each other with our own made-up tales. Daydreaming, storytelling, letting your imagination fly...I wouldn't change that for the world.
Tell me now; is there someone who drew you into the world of storytelling? Growing up, did you have a great storyteller in your life?
A daydreamers viewpoint
Hush...if you're quiet they'll never find you
The perfect nook for a nap
I can most definitely relate to.
Thanks for visiting my blog! Stop by for a chocolate chip waffle and some words any time!!