Seasons Greetings

* Peace, Love, Joy, Health & Happiness *
From Me to You...

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!
A Happy New Year!

Where ever you live in our global village...

Have a wonderful holiday season!  I will be taking a relaxing break between Christmas through to the New Year,-planning to work on my revisions and reading.  *whispers* I will be tweeting randomly in between!  Keep safe where ever you may be, and carry on writing,-I look forward to seeing you in the New Year!   ~Talei  xoxo

Photocredits: via weheartit


Jayne said…
Merry Christmas, Talei! Wishing you and yours a lovely time over the festivities, and a very Happy New Year 2011!
Merry Christmas, Talei! I hope you have a joyful holiday!
Merry Christmas, Talei!!
Al said…
Merry Chrissie!
Have a great break.
Anonymous said…
Have a happy Christmas!!

Mya said…
Love those photos. I hope your Christmas was great and that you accomplish what you have planned to do before the end of the year.
Happy Christmas Talei - hope you have had a fantastic day!

Meredith said…
Hope you had a very merry Christmas!
Carol Kilgore said…
Hope your Christmas was merry and that your new year will be merrier!
notesfromnadir said…
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas & enjoy your time off! :)
I hope you had a lovely Christmas and got that beach house. :) Have a wonderful New Year and good luck with revisions...
Carolyn V. said…
Hope Christmas was amazing and that the New Year will have many happy surprises for you! =)
Terry Stonecrop said…
Have a Great and Happy New Year, Talei!

And a wonderful break:)

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