Friday's Fripperies

Oh, Friday, how much do I love thee?  This week has been incredibly busy, horrifying frenetic at times, and yes, that's a great sigh of relief you can hear.  I know I've said it before but, like, seriously -these days are flying by, before long, we'll be singing 'deck the halls...'  Right now though, grab a glass of pink champagne and come stroll along the beach with me, lets toast this week with five fripperies for the soul...
Come stroll with me...

Five for a Fabulous Friday...

1.  Superb spa treatments on a friday afternoon...because after a hellish week, its a necessity and Honey, you are so worth it!  Psst...they are great for catching up on sleep too. 

2. Holidays...the anticipation of a summer holiday conjures up such wonderful imagery.  I'm on the holiday hunt and I've been happily scrolling through Italian, French and now back to English websites.  Needless to say, the search continues... 

3. so far away from family, I rarely see them but today was an exception, and ignoring my mothers insatiable ability to 'chat' since her arrival, I'm actually enjoying having her visit.  Yes, just 6 lovely weeks to go.... no, really...its fun.

4.  Fish'n'chips or  Chinese Five Spice Spring Rolls?  I love Friday lunches! Hot, spicy and deliciously sinful food for the soul.  Either of these two choices are perfectly partnered with a glass of pinot grigio.

5.  Cocktails...of course, my lovelies, what else is needed to round off the day?  *clink clink*  Wishing you all a relaxing weekend.  Sit back and enjoy...


Carol Kilgore said…
I so want to walk on that beach! I need it bad. And a cocktail, too.

Happy Weekend!
Michael Di Gesu said…
Oh, Talei,

That beach is stunning! I can see you now in a white, off the shoulder sun dress, sipping your pink champagne. A delicate breeze billows through your ebony locks, while your flowing dress clings to your shapely form.

Ah, how lovely.... enjoy you weekend and time with your mother.
Manzanita said…
Oh how you working gals must appreciate Friday. It must feel as if someone opened the cage door and now you can fly again. Fly away and enjoy.

Lydia Kang said…
Those all sound pretty awesome to me...*clinks right back*
Danette said…
Oh MY GOD! What I wouldn't give to be on the beach sharing a drink with you! *clink, clink*!!! I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow but I will have a drink tomorrow night to get a belated weekend! Cheers darling!
LynNerdKelley said…
Great post. A walk on the beach sounds wonderful. Enjoy your time with your mom. Cheers to you, Talei! A yummy cocktail to jump start the weekend. And no comment about the holidays. They come around way to fast for me!
Talei said…
Gosh, I am loving everyones comments today! You are ALL too fabulous!

Carol, lets do it! Pens down, I'll see on the beach in 5!

Ah, Michael, such beautiful poetry. And you my dear, in dark linen, trousers and shirt sleeves rolled up, strolling along the waters edge. Glass of champers in hand, of course! Thank you and have a fab weekend! x

Mazanita, fabulous, you put it perfectly. We do indeed like to fly...and shall do so immediately. Cheers my dear.

Lydia, thank you. *clink clink clink*

Danette, le sigh, it would be wonderful. I hope work goes quickly tomorrow and then you can join me on the beach! Cheers lovely x

Lyn, I'm enjoying my mothers visit so far. She has a walking stick now, I have to be careful. :D Have a lovely weekend!
Liza said…
Sounds like a delightful Friday. Those spring rolls sound delicious!!

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