Sleeping Beauty: The Aftermath
And when you awaken from that magic spell,
Your heart unshackled,
Your lips hurting like hell,
Think of me.
I only wanted to share your dreams,
But that will never be,
And I don't regret...
Knowing you once,
A past life, fast times,
Your charming smile,
Your bright grey eyes,
Laughter of my life.
And I never thought
There was a price for happiness
I was wrong,
There was a price for happiness
I was wrong,
Pain and love are entangled,
Unravelled, two ribbons,
But I won't regret
Loving you,
Goodbye Old Friend
I'll think of you fondly
My Own Way
My Own Way
Photocredits via weheartit
Sleeping Beauty: The Aftermath © T.Loto 2011 All Rights Reserved
A/N: Hello Everyone, we have sunshine, its Friday - two good reasons to smile. I hope you are having a fabulous week in your neck of the woods. My parallel universe is a little crazy right now, I have several events to work on. Next week I am taking a break from blogging to rejuvenate and focus on my manuscripts. I'll be back on the 24 October. Have a lovely weekend! Talei xox
24/10/11: Hello, I am here but unfortunately with my current schedule, I'm unable to blog today. I will post Wednesday and Friday this week. Hope you are all well! Talei x
24/10/11: Hello, I am here but unfortunately with my current schedule, I'm unable to blog today. I will post Wednesday and Friday this week. Hope you are all well! Talei x
I'm so glad I stopped by.
Will miss you though!
Jessie, cheers, lovely! I hope to get through a few chapters and I'm working on a new idea. Oh, and I wouldn't say no to a cup of tea from Colin Firth during my writing sojourn. ;-)
Danette, thank you, darling. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. It came from the heart...of sorts. Have a lovely weekend!
Damyanti, a blogcation sounds fab, I know this is a short one - shall work on a longer one soon though. I would love to do a guest post, will email. ;-)
Rosalind, thank you so much! Have a fab week too!
Ps: I couldn't find a link back to your blogger profile. Thanks for stopping by! ;)