Gone Travelling

It's been another busy week, and finally Saturday has arrived!  I just want to let everyone know that I'll be travelling next week, in Milan, alas not for pleasure, but for work in a parallel universe.  * deep le sigh * Rest assured though, I will hit the shops in my downtime.  My Chief Muse and le pink netbook will accompany me, so I can keep up with my writing and blog where possible.  Have a wonderful weekend!  Talei xox

I want that hat box! 
photocredits via tumblr


Liza said…
Have a great trip. Happy weekend!
LynNerdKelley said…
Have fun shopping in Milan in your downtime, Talei. Love the parallel universe!
Arlee Bird said…
How wonderful! Have a great time.

Tossing It Out
Danette said…
Sounds like fun! Wish my job took me anywhere else interesting! Can't wait to hear about your shopping trips and make sure and toast the evening! *clink, clink*
Dean Crawford said…
Have a great time!!
Talei said…
Liza, thank you!

Lyn, oh yes, I intend to take advantage of any shopping opportunities! Cheers. ;)

Arlee, thank you too! ;)

Danette, you know I'll be sipping in the evenings. *clink clink* ;)

Dean, thank you!

Javid, a perfect week would be wonderful! thank you. ;)
Peggy Eddleman said…
Have fun shopping and writing! Sounds like fun, even if it is for work!
London to Milan...what a boring life you live! **le cough** Have fun!
Talei said…
Peggy, thanks! I shall do my best on all counts! ;-)

Jessie, yeah, its a hard life. *yawns* One must make do and enjoy it! *cough cough* Cheers!
Jemi Fraser said…
Even if it's for work, Milan has got to be a great place to be! Enjoy :)
Anonymous said…
Milan?! I can smell the capuccino. Envious. Safe travels!! And happy shopping. :-)

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