Reaching Out, I Wish You Knew
It was
One sports day
So long ago
You were sitting in the crowd
Laughing with your friends
The sun shone down
And I smiled at your face
Feeling So Proud
I ran my race
Waiting for your praise
You didn't see me
Win that heat
You were
Too busy
It was
My first
Swimming race
So long ago
I waved so fervently
Trying to make you see
My legs kicking vigorously
Cutting fast through the water
My chest fiery hot
As I tried to keep pace...
I came second
Though you never knew
Because it was one more day
You turned away too soon...
Photocredits via weheartit
© Reaching Out T.Loto 2011 All Rights Reserved.
A/N: These are collected thoughts of a long ago school sports day, -you know that special day where your parents turn up and you just want win everything, right? Of course, at the final-whistle-stroke-ribbon -when you do fly through, more than likely, your mother is never looking in the right direction, chatting with the other ladies, eating cake or sipping lemonade. Don't worry, though, I've forgiven her, -honestly. It's just a small memory that rose from the depths of my writerly grey cells yesterday. Anyway, I dedicate it to all my old school friends whose parents never came.
Have a lovely writerly weekend all! xox
Have a lovely writerly weekend all! xox
BTW I am posting an Earthly Angels post every Friday so if you have a story of one of these special people please leave a comment or email me.
Enjoy your weekend too.
Have a nice weekend!
Karen, hello dear lady. This is true, there are many kids whose parents may not make it to sports days and at a young age, I think it does make a difference. My mother did come along, which was fab in itself, its just 'could the ladies please stop talking and watch their kids run for crying out!' ;-)
Danette, thank you and have a wonderful weekend too!
Michael, I will definitely think of someone to write about. Let me come back to you. And have a fab weekend too!
Pat, it is indeed a wee sad one. Don't worry, I take great pleasure in reminding her about my swimming race! Have a fantastic weekend dear friend! ;-)
Melissa, Aw, thank you lovely! So glad you enjoyed it. I shall have a spectacular weekend - and I hope you do too!
Mya, I'm sure you were fabulous! We bounce back and carry on right? I get distracted very easily so its understandable to me now. This is a reminder of those glorious days as a child when everything hung on your parents approval. Back then, life was simple. ;-) Have a lovely weekend my dear!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Writing, thanks! Hope you're having a lovely weekend too.
Regina, you'e welcome, glad you enjoyed it!:-)